Bajet Giramé

Blurring 2 Attics in Poblenou . Barcelona

Bajet Giramé Architects . photos: © José Hevia

“Blurring 2 Attics” is a project of two interconnected studios in an industrial building in Barcelona. The project follows the archetype of the ‘loft’ as a paradigm gregarious, playful and self-poetic spatial appropriation. Unchained from the privacy of traditional family rules, it blurs conventional boundaries, such as propriety enclosures and the spheres of leisure, production and reproduction. In short, it combines a constellation of living and working situations in generous, diffuse spaces that navigate from indoors to outdoors, from shared to intimate. Continue reading Bajet Giramé


Bajet Giramé

Palau Gomis . Barcelona

Bajet Giramé . fotos: © José Hevia

Palau Gomis consiste en la reforma parcial de una modesta vivienda sobreático de 55m2 en la Calle Gomis de Barcelona. A medio camino entre ironía e intencionalidad, la manera en como habitantes y arquitectos hemos denominado el proyecto desde el primer día—tratándolo de palacio—evita la fijación en limitaciones espaciales o económicas, celebrando el potencial transformador de un hábitat generoso, lúdico y vital; que ha sido construido en parte por los propios habitantes. Continue reading Bajet Giramé


Bajet Giramé . JAAS

Outdoor Pavilions . Alcanar

Bajet Giramé . JAAS . photos: © Joan Guillamat

La construcción de un nuevo pabellón de tapia es la excusa para transformar un antiguo espacio trasero del Camping Alfacs y abrazar—junto a dos edificaciones rehabilitadas—un nuevo jardín mediterráneo. Así, el proyecto consiste en tres pabellones alrededor de un patio. Un jardín habitado por comunidades vegetales autóctonas, plantas aromáticas y de baja demanda hídrica, que aparece como umbral de transición para acceder a espacios de baño y servicio. Frente al derribo y tabula rasa habitual, el proyecto reconoce el valor material y cultural de las dos edificaciones auxiliares antiguas, les da la vuelta y celebra sus tipologías y acabados constructivos prosaicos. Continue reading Bajet Giramé . JAAS


Bajet Giramé . Burckhardt

Las 3 Marías . TARRAGONA

Bajet Giramé . Burckhardt . Las 3 Marías . TARRAGONA afasia (1)

Bajet Giramé Architects . Nicolas Burckhardt Architects . photos: © José Hevia

Three sisters in the Mediterranean:
The project enhances—aiming to exaggerate—the ‘courtyard-house’ character of a summer residence from the sixties in the Mediterranean coast of Spain. A house that three sisters in their thirties have decided to share as a summer home. This renovated holiday house is a deliberately ambiguous habitat, between inside and outside, openly diverse, as wide and sunny as intimate and shady; offering coves, topographies, loggias and gardens, in a spatial continuum that intends to provide a landscape of vitality and delight. Continue reading Bajet Giramé . Burckhardt


Bajet Giramé . JAAS

Tenis Serramar . Alcanar

Bajet Giramé . JAAS  Tenis Serramar . Alcanar Joan Guillamat afasia (6)

Bajet Giramé . JAAS . photos: © Joan Guillamat

Located by the “Alfaques” Bay, the exterior spaces of an historical rural construction (called Masía) had been reduced to residual interstices in-between autonomous pieces for touristic use: a few tennis courts, the terrace of a restaurant, a pool and a solarium. These were the result of modest works of renovation accumulated overtime following the sporadic needs of a modestly run management. Continue reading Bajet Giramé . JAAS