
54 Social Dwellings . Barcelona

Peris+Toral Arquitectes . photos: © José Hevia

The Remodelling Plan for the neighbourhood of Bon Pastor anticipates the demolition of the 784 Casas Baratas (cheap houses) on the estate that was built in 1929, and their replacement by freestanding blocks to rehouse all of their occupants. The planning structure of single-storey houses and the closeness of the neighbours produced a form of community life that gave the district the atmosphere of a village within the city, with lots of life in the street. The change in building typology, which was agreed on with the occupants, offers some advantages of high-rise living, such as prime views of the river Besòs, to the detriment of community life at ground level, where the single-storey dwellings open up and emerge into the street. In order to recover and preserve part of this outdoor way of life, a series of intermediate areas are incorporated between the public space and the dwellings. Continue reading Peris+Toral



85 VIVIENDAS SOCIALES . Cornellà de Llobregat

Peris+Toral Arquitectes . photos: © José Hevia

Para los 10.000 m2 de superficie edificada del nuevo edificio ubicado en Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona), que consta de 85 viviendas sociales distribuidas en 5 alturas, se han utilizado un total de 8.300 m2 de madera KM0 procedente del País Vasco.
El diseño de una matriz de habitaciones comunicantes, que elimina pasillos para garantizar el máximo aprovechamiento en planta, y el uso de la madera en favor de las posibilidades de industrialización del edificio, la mejora de la calidad de la construcción y la notable reducción de los plazos de ejecución y las emisiones de C02, son los ejes de este nuevo edificio de viviendas. Continue reading Peris+Toral